Behavioral Services
Connections in Ohio has the expertise to meet the needs of individuals who are considered high risk, and who require specific ongoing training and structure. Our service delivery systems, team structure and staff training make it possible to meet the needs of very ‘challenging’ individuals.
Our formula for success includes:
- Highly structured routines
- A collaborative relationship with our team of professionals and the family
- Comprehensive staff training regarding the individual’s needs and program plan
Our employees receive behavior management training through the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI). This is the same training used by both the Cuyahoga County and Summit County Board of Developmental Disabilities, and meets all regulations and rules. All Connections in Ohio employees are initially certified in CPI, and receive an annual refresher course to maintain their certification.
This is an excellent foundation of skills that provide our staff with the tools they need to provide a therapeutic environment for all persons served. Most importantly, Connections in Ohio has multiple “in-house” CPI trainers, which affords our staff with excellent classroom and in-home behavior management training, which translates into stability and great outcomes for all individuals we support.
Communication Services
Connections in Ohio supports individuals who communicate in non-traditional ways. We believe that all people, regardless of their expressive language skills, communicate effectively in non-verbal ways. Our staff is trained to observe all individuals’ non-verbal language. This helps us detect their emotions and temperament and avoid frustration caused by an inability to communicate effectively.
Each individual we support has an ISP that identifies special language considerations, and our training is tailored to meet these unique needs. At times they may also require tools such as, communicate with touch talkers and communication boards. Providing a structured environment, a typical daily routine, and consistency in staff facilitates positive outcomes as well. Through exposure to the community and by engaging in activities that they enjoy, the individuals we support soon become more capable of interacting with others.
Medical Services
The health and well-being of the individuals we serve is our first priority. We believe everyone deserves the best medical services available, and we achieve this through our relationships with local hospitals, independent medical providers and pharmacies. These relationships ensure our clients have all the options they need from various medical providers.
Our staff includes two Registered Nurses and a Clinical Team dedicated to meeting the medical needs of the individuals we support. They are trained and certified to distribute medications in the State of Ohio, and are re-trained on a regular basis to maintain certification and to accommodate changing medical needs.